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Due to new COVID-19 measures, the symposium will now be fully online. 

For participants who have already registered for the in-person sessions, a separate email with Zoom access details will be sent to you.


​Please register for the sessions you are interested in attending:


Panel 1: "Uncharted Territories, 1965-1990"

Panel 2:  "Landscapes Lost and Found, 1990-2010"

Panel 3: "New Fictions"

Panel 4: "New Movements"

Panel 5: "New Tongues"



During our events, photography, sound recording, videotaping and filming may be conducted for use in our publicity materials such as our website, brochures, email direct mailers and social media. If you are attending our events, we wish to bring to your attention that photos, sound recordings, videos and film recordings of you may be taken.

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